Largo, Maryland abortion pill info.

Largo, Maryland 
Abortion Pill Info

Largo, Maryland abortion pill info.

Abortion Pill

The abortion pill is a medical abortion.  This type of abortion uses two drugs.  The first medication (Mifepristone ) blocks the progesterone hormone which is needed for pregnancy to continue.  When used together with the second medication (Misoprostol), it will end an early pregnancy (70 days or less since the first day of the last menstrual period or 10 wks LMP) and is considered unsafe beyond that time.

The pill, mifepristone, causes an abortion by blocking the hormone progesterone, which is necessary for pregnancy to continue. The abortion pill is administered in three doses, along with another drug, misoprostol, and typically requires three clinic visits.

On the first visit, the woman takes three mifepristone abortion pills, which results in the death of the fetus.

On Day 3, she takes the second abortion pill, misoprostol, which will cause cramping to expel the fetus.

A follow-up visit is required two weeks after taking the abortion pill to ensure that the pregnancy has terminated. If an ultrasound scan shows that the fetus has not been expelled, a surgical abortion will be required, typically at an additional cost.

Other names for the abortion pill (Ru486):

Mifepristone is the generic name for RU-486. In the U.S., RU486 is sold under the brand names Mifeprex® and Early Option®.

The abortion pill involves two drugs:

When taken alone, RU486 results in a complete abortion only about 60% of the time. A second drug, a prostaglandin, is given 48 hours later to increase the abortion pill’s effectiveness. The prostaglandin causes uterine contractions to help expel the fetus. Misoprostol (brand name Cytotec) is the prostaglandin used with RU-486 in the U.S.

The Abortion Pill is now available by mail in Largo, Maryland.  Before taking the Abortion Pill or any other medication, get information from a trusted source so that you understand how it works and the possible side effects.

Adverse events and side effects of the abortion pill:

In U.S. trials of RU486/misoprostol, at least 99% of patients experienced at least one of the following medication abortion pill side effects:

  • Abdominal pain (cramping) (97%)
  • Nausea (67%)
  • Headache (32%)
  • Vomiting (34%)
  • Diarrhea (23%)
  • Dizziness (12%)
  • Fatigue (9%)
  • Back pain (9%)
  • Uterine hemorrhage (7%)
  • Fever (4%)
  • Viral infections (4%)
  • Vaginitis (4%)
  • Rigors (chills/shaking)(3%)

More than one adverse event was reported for most patients. Approximately 23% of the adverse events were judged to be “severe.”

The FDA is aware of women in the United States who died from sepsis (severe illness caused by infection of the bloodstream) after medical abortion with Mifeprex and misoprostol.

Who Should not take the abortion pill (ru486):

The FDA advises that the Medication abortion pill (RU486) should NOT be taken if any one of the following circumstances apply:

  • It has been more than 49 days since your last menstrual period began.
  • You have an IUD, which must be removed before taking the pill.
  • Your healthcare provider has told you that you have an ectopic pregnancy (a pregnancy outside the uterus). Note: About 2% of pregnancies are ectopic.
  • You have problems with your adrenal glands (chronic adrenal failure).
  • You take a medicine to thin your blood.
  • You have a bleeding problem.
  • You take certain steroid medications.
  • You cannot return for the necessary follow-up visits (2 days and 14 days after taking RU-486).
  • You cannot easily access emergency medical help, including blood transfusions and emergency resuscitation, in the 2 weeks after taking the medication abortion pill.
  • You are allergic to mifepristone [RU-486], misoprostol, or medicines that contain misoprostol such as Cytotec or Arthrotec.

Calculating the Length of Pregnancy:

Doctors calculate the length of pregnancy by counting from the first day of the last menstrual period (LMP), approximately two weeks prior to conception (fertilization). So “up to 49 days LMP” means up to 5 weeks after conception.

Understanding the details and implications of choosing the medication abortion pill is crucial for anyone considering this option. It’s important to be fully aware of the time constraints, procedure, potential side effects, and risks involved with this form of abortion. The use of RU486, coupled with misoprostol, is a significant medical decision that should be made with comprehensive knowledge and under professional medical guidance.

For those considering this option, it’s vital to consult with healthcare professionals to ensure safety and to discuss any concerns or questions you might have. It’s equally important to understand the legal and health criteria that determine eligibility for taking the medication abortion pill. Remember, this decision is not just about the immediate termination of pregnancy but also involves considering your long-term health and well-being.

If you or someone you know is facing an unplanned pregnancy and contemplating a medication abortion, consider reaching out to us for detailed information and support. Making an informed decision is essential, and it’s important to have access to all the facts and support systems available. Remember, you are not alone in this journey, and there are resources and people ready to help you through this process.

We offer individual consultation and accurate information about all pregnancy options.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Question: How Much Does the Abortion Pill Cost in Maryland, Virginia or Washington DC?


The typical cost of the abortion pill ranges from $350 to $700, and it may be even higher depending on the provider. For the information you need, determine how far along you are in your pregnancy with our complimentary ultrasound services.

ABC Women's Health & Ultrasound Center pregnancy services in Maryland, Virginia and Washington DC, provides free and confidential abortion pill information. Click to make an appointment online.

Question: How Can I Get the Abortion Pill?

Answer: You can get an abortion pill either through an abortion provider’s clinic or by an online mail source.  For mail order, in most cases, a telehealth appointment is required and the medication for the abortion is sent directly to you without an in-person physical examination.  A physical examination is important because it dates the pregnancy, rules out ectopic pregnancy, and determines viability (if you are at risk for miscarriage).  make an appointment online to receive a pre-abortion screening at no-cost.

Question: What are “Missed Period Pills?

Answer: The missed period pill is another name for the abortion pill.  Some people may think it might help them psychologically if they’re unsure about abortion.  Regardless of its name, you should know that it is an abortion.

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Text: 301-956-5567

Abortion Information: 20774

Largo, Maryland, is located in Prince George’s County, within the Washington, D.C. metropolitan area. As of 2024, the population of Largo is projected to be 11,757. Largo is conveniently located along Interstate 495 Beltway which provides easy access to other parts of Maryland, Virgina and Washington DC. Its blend of quiet residential neighborhoods, good schools, accessible public transportation, and local amenities makes it a desirable location for those seeking a balanced lifestyle. 

Make an Appointment

If you think that you may be pregnant, schedule an appointment for a pregnancy test at ABC Women's Health & Ultrasound Center. Here, you'll receive answers to your questions and access to reliable information to help you make a well-informed choice. If you are pregnant, you may be eligible for an ultrasound. All of our services are free and confidential.

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